• Open Gateway, a system of open APIs, is transforming the telecom industry in the mobile AI era.
  • 5G-A networks require diversified capabilities to support new applications and user experiences.
  • Open Gateway allows carriers to offer differentiated services and create new business models.
  • Huawei is a key player in developing Open Gateway solutions and fostering industry collaboration.

The rise of mobile AI and the commercial launch of 5G-A networks are ushering in a new era for the telecom industry. At the Accelerating Open Gateway in the Era of 5G-Advanced and AI Summit held during MWC Shanghai 2024, industry leaders discussed the transformative potential of Open Gateway, a system of open application programming interfaces (APIs).

Dr. Philip Song, Chief Marketing Officer of Huawei Carrier Business Group

Challenges and Opportunities in the Mobile AI Era

Dr. Philip Song, Chief Marketing Officer of Huawei Carrier Business Group, addressed the significant changes on the horizon. Mobile terminals, content production, and user interaction patterns are all set for an overhaul. These changes necessitate diversified capabilities from 5G-A networks, pushing carriers towards experience-driven operations. Integrating AI into 5G-A networks is key to achieving this, and the telecom foundation model is a prime example of this advancement.

Open Gateway: A Catalyst for New Business Models

Open Gateway establishes a unified framework with standardized APIs, billing methods, and a global ecosystem. This allows carriers and third-party platforms to design and monetize service packages tailored to specific user segments, service levels, and usage scenarios. It acts as a catalyst for experience-oriented operations within the 5G-A landscape and fosters the creation of innovative business models.

Real-World Examples of Open Gateway Applications

Huawei, a channel partner of GSMA Open Gateway, actively contributes to the development of Open Gateway solutions. Examples include:

  • Service Appointment API: This API guarantees a specific level of service for mobile live-streaming, enabling differentiated offerings for carriers.
  • New Calling API: This API integrates features like HD video, data sharing, and AR marking into insurance claim assessments, streamlining the process and benefiting both insurers and carriers.

Huawei: Fostering Collaboration and Open Network Capabilities

Looking ahead, Huawei is committed to collaborating with industry players to accelerate the adoption of Open Gateway and unlock the potential of open network capabilities. Dr. Song emphasized Huawei’s dedication to helping carriers leverage AI-powered 5G-A networks to create new businesses, experiences, and contribute to a more intelligent world.

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