• The white paper serves as a strategic guide for enterprises, highlighting the significance of high-quality 10 Gbps campus networks as essential infrastructure for intelligent development across various industries.

Huawei introduces the High-Quality 10 Gbps Campus Network Construction White Paper, backed by WBA, at MWC Barcelona 2024, emphasizing an experience-centric approach.

At MWC Barcelona 2024, Huawei unveils the High-Quality 10 Gbps Campus Network Construction White Paper, in collaboration with WBA (Wireless Broadband Alliance). Themed “Huawei Intelligent Cloud-Network, Accelerating Industrial Intelligence,” the summit explores the philosophy of experience-centric campus network construction.

Philosophy of Experience-Centric Construction

The white paper outlines an experience-centric philosophy for campus network construction, focusing on Huawei’s High-Quality 10 Gbps CloudCampus Solution. This solution prioritizes three types of experience upgrades—wireless, application, and Operations and Maintenance (O&M)—to expedite the digital and intelligent journey for enterprises.

Key Changes in Enterprise Transformation

Driven by technological advancements and applications, enterprises witness three pivotal changes during their digital and intelligent transformation: fully-wireless terminals, always-assured applications, and intelligent O&M. To align with these changes, campus networks need to transition from being connectivity-centric to experience-centric.

Huawei’s Three Types of Experience Upgrade:

  1. Wireless Experience Upgrade: Huawei introduces Wi-Fi 7, the industry’s first, boasting a tested rate of up to 4.33 Gbps per terminal—twice that of Wi-Fi 6E. The solution supports ultra-fast downloads and features converged scheduling technology for enhanced concurrency efficiency.
  2. Application Experience Upgrade: Huawei’s solution accurately identifies 6000 applications and employs elastic traffic slicing to create fast lanes, ensuring key applications experience zero frame freezing. VIP users enjoy exclusive network lanes for an uninterrupted experience.
  3. O&M Experience Upgrade: The industry’s first campus digital map, a four-dimensional map of networks, users, terminals, and applications, enhances end-to-end experience visualization. This aids in quick problem resolution, improving O&M efficiency by tenfold. Additionally, energy-saving periods are recommended based on traffic predictions, enhancing energy efficiency by 30%.

Keynote Speech and Future Implications

Shawn Zhao, President of the Campus Network Domain at Huawei, emphasizes the experience-centric nature of the High-Quality 10 Gbps CloudCampus, aligning with enterprise expectations. The white paper explores evolving campus network trends, guiding enterprises in accelerating their digital and intelligent journey. Future-proof networks, like high-quality 10 Gbps campus networks, are poised to be crucial infrastructure choices, propelling diverse industries into intelligent development.

For further details about the white paper, click here.

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