Malaysia Ranks Among Top Three Countries for Film Submissions

The Alternativa Film Project, a global non-profit film initiative founded by inDrive, has announced the second edition of the Alternativa Film Awards, to be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on November 29th. The awards celebrate filmmakers from developing industries and recognize both artistic merit and social impact.

Record-Breaking Submissions

The 2024 open call for submissions attracted a remarkable 1,043 entries from 33 countries, surpassing the number received in the previous year. Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines emerged as the top three countries with the highest number of submissions.

Expanding Focus to Southeast Asia

This year’s event expands its focus to Indonesia and Southeast Asia, aiming to provide a platform for filmmakers from these regions to gain global visibility. The Alternativa Film Awards offer a unique opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their work and connect with industry professionals.

Film Festival and Industry Days

Leading up to the awards ceremony, several key activities will take place. The Film Festival will feature free public screenings of nominated films, followed by discussions on social and cultural topics. Industry Days will offer workshops, showcases, and meetings for film professionals to foster collaboration and strengthen the link between film and social change.

inDrive’s Commitment to Social Impact

inDrive, the global technology company behind the Alternativa Film Project, is committed to addressing social injustice and creating a positive impact on communities worldwide. Through its inVision initiative, inDrive supports education, creative industries, startups, and sports, making these areas accessible to everyone.

Malaysia’s Strong Filmmaking Presence

Yow Chong Lee, a committee member of the Alternativa Film Awards from Malaysia, highlighted the strength of Malaysian films in telling impactful stories that engage audiences. He emphasized the unique combination of art, entertainment, and social messages that Malaysian films offer, making them worthy of international recognition.

Awards and Recognition

The Alternativa Film Awards Selection Committee, consisting of 24 international film experts, will announce the nominees in mid-October. Winners will be chosen by an International Jury and will share a total prize fund of $100,000.

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