Acer Malaysia today announced the arrival of the new Aspire XC and Aspire TC desktops that are equipped with the 13th Gen Intel Core processors. Designed for everyday multitasking, the 8L space-saving Aspire XC fits unassumingly into existing home setups, while the 16-liter Aspire TC desktop comes in a black tower with intricate design and finish and has a built-in DVD-RW driver.

The latest 13th Intel Core processors enable stable everyday computing and better power efficiency in both Aspire desktops. With up to 512GB SSD fast-loading storage to enhance the computing experience, both desktops come complete with up to 8GB DDR4 RAM that is upgradable to 32GB based on customers’ needs.

To simplify setups for homes, families and students, the Aspire XC and Aspire TC desktops have built-in Wi-Fi 6E for faster and reduced wireless congestion, providing users with stable connectivity. In addition, ample Input and Output ports serve to satisfy daily productivity and entertainment requirements at home.

Installed with Windows 11 Home edition, the Aspire XC and Aspire TC series retail from RM1,949. Both series are available immediately at Acer eStore and Acer official stores on Shopee and Lazada,

For more information, please visit Acer Malaysia’s Facebook @AcerMalaysia or call Acer’s Product Infoline at 1800-88-1288 (9am – 6pm, Mondays to Fridays), or email

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